1. being on a bike drastically increases one's chances of being screamed at by teenage boys speeding by on the highway, packed 10 to a pick-up truck. i think i made out 'haole' or 'white boy' or something similar in their drive-by verbiage.
2. being chased by dogs on the side of this same highway at high speed is also pretty unfun. to this scene someone in a passing truck shouted "fndpx bvkff kf s rutxp BRUDDAH!", the actual sentiment completely lost. was he making fun? was he empathizing? who knows...
3. biking up a couple mile hill on a near empty road meandering its way up a valley, lined by volcanic cliffs - either desiccated and rusted or peaked by verdancy and wrapped in a passing cloud - the immediate fields filled with scrub and the occasional piece of discarded furniture... is pretty amazing. shadow thrown forward by a setting sun, the salt of sweat and ocean mingling on one's brow, sand still clinging in ears and seeping out of shoes...
on another, less tunneled note... this place, and i think my coast in particular, is absolutely ridiculous. stories to come...
Get your blog on, you courier-using fool. And get a real typeface while you're at it!